Thursday, November 3, 2011

My New Obsessions - Gojee and Ricotta Spinach Gnocchi

I'll start with the first part of my obsession, which is a fabulous site called
Gojee I discovered just through browsing through the Google Chrome store.  I simply love it, as first off, it's picture based and is a fabulous aggregation of all different food blogs.  You simply type in the ingredients you're craving, and it does the picking for you.  I was amazed at all the enticing food images it produced when I typed in "arugula" and the one that most immediately caught my eye was one for ricotta & spinach gnocchi (with arugula too, of course).

I clicked on the recipe link, which led me to a lovely blog called "
fresh 365."  The recipe not only seemed doable, but was explained in a friendly, approachable way that immediately inspired me to get to work.  If the thought of making your own gnocchi intimidates you, this recipe will no doubt change your tune.  It's not incredibly labor intensive, uses healthy and readily available ingredients, and not to mention it's absolutely superior to the store bought alternative.

As I made a pretty big batch that can feed about 3 or 4 hungry people, I froze most of my gnocchi and ended up cooking it later in the week.  It was a sound approach and a fabulous way to get dinner on the table in about 5 minutes.  Serving it on a bed of fresh spinach (or arugula if you want), I seasoned it simply with olive oil and pepper and put some shredded pecorino cheese on top too.  Delish is an understatement.  Go gojee, thanks for showing me the way!

Recipe for Spinach Ricotta Gnocchi 

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